There are many instances in schools, college universities and most educational institutions when the simple act of getting a spoken message across can prove troublesome. Children with hearing disabilities can struggle to listen to their teachers, teachers might need to strain their voices sometimes to make themselves heard in noisy or large classrooms, parents with limited command of the English language might find it impossible to effectively communicate with the faculty during PTO meetings and more situations that might arise.
To overcome all these challenges, Enersound has come up with effective solutions for schools, higher education institutions and school districts. Our wireless simultaneous interpretation devices, assistive listening systems, and personal waistband voice amplifiers, and designed especially for these instances. Temperature checks in schools during the COVID-19 pandemic has become necessary to prevent the spread of the virus and keep both students and teachers healthy, and unlike handheld thermometers that require school personnel to operate them, our temperature screening kiosks with optional face-wearing-mask and facial detection and thermal cameras, are contactless and they can screen students coming in all at once and avoid having to split them up in multiple lanes as they come into the school building.